domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010

Primeiro Post || First Post - Banda Nowhere To Sleep

Nós somos a banda Nowhere To Sleep, banda criada no inicio de 2010, com varias influencias do rock e acreditamos que para um bom som, a banda não pode ter preconceitos com estilos e musicas de diferentes tipos, absorvendo tudo o que achamos bom.
Cada integrante possui suas proprias influencias , criando assim um próprio estilo de musica.
Atualmente estamos trabalhando nos nossos primeiros singles: Bullying, Super Blue, e 654654.

We are the band Nowhere To Sleep, the band was created in early 2010, with various influences from rock and we believe that a good sound, the band cannot have prejudices with differents musics and styles, absorbing everything we think good.
Each member has their own influences, thus creating an own style of music.
We are currently working on our first singles: Bullying, Super Blue, and 654654.



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